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One marketing idea with great ROI for small businesses

October 28, 2019 | Posted By: [email protected]

One marketing idea with great ROI for small businesses

Our customers continually ask us what we feel is the most effective marketing to reach their customers. We spend countless hours researching and documenting
those products and services that have proven themselves over and over again with our clients.

Not only do we look for the most effective methods, but we look at those that offer the best return on our customer’s investment. What type of advertising
will give them the exposure they need, at a price they can afford. Hand’s down nothing competes with the effectiveness of vehicle branding.

Advertising on vehicles has been around just about as long as cars have, and that should speak about it’s continued usefulness. As we see it, using
your vehicle as a moving billboard has very few downsides. For a one time fee your company car or truck can expose your business to thousands of
eyes every day on the road.

In fact, according to Big Picture Graphics, the average cost per thousand impressions for media advertisement breaks down to something like this:

Television = $23.70

Magazine = $21.46

Newspaper = $19.70

Radio = $7.75

Outdoor Signage = $3.56   Vehicle Wrap = $0.35

Those numbers blow us away! We know it works, but when we see a breakdown of other forms of marketing compared to vehicle wraps, all
we can say is WOW. (Wait Or Wrap?) We say get wrapping😊

Not to diminish other types of advertising, they all are an essential part of a well-rounded marketing plan. However; there is a special place in using
your vehicle to reach customers you might not reach otherwise.

Here are a couple points we’d like to make about vehicle wrapping:

  • They Stand OUT – The most valuable component of vehicle branding is how memorable they are.When drivers are left to do nothing
    but drive and watch other cars, a professionally wrap car or truck can set a business apart. It increases brand awareness and leaves an impression
    on the targeted audience. A study conducted by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America concluded that one single wrapped vehicle will net approximately 30,000 to 80,000 impressions per day.


  • Cost-Effective – When advertising money is limited, vehicle branding and lettering is one of the most cost-effective forms of
    marketing available for small businesses.Look again at the number above and see how it breaks down. Compared to other types of advertising
    that need to be repeated over and over again for new ad space or advertising renewals.Car branding is a one-time fee that provides 24/7 exposure.
    While no two results are the same, and it can depend on the type of business, vehicle branding provides a worthwhile ROI for most.  
Tonya Cockrell Conway with Pine Press Business Image Solutions is a member of the Chamber’s Small Business Council. Find out more about Tonya and Pine Press at pinepressprinting.com.