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Town Releases Video of New Traffic Flow Improvements

August 17, 2016 | Posted By: [email protected]

Currently, 17,000 vehicles per day travel on Main Street, 12,500 vehicles per day travel on Lake Drive and 3,500 vehicles per day travel on Church Street.

According to the Town of Lexington, their newest downtown project is the answer to improving the flow of traffic.

The one-way project begins with intersection improvements that will split traffic at North Lake Drive and Church Street and extends to Maiden Lane where traffic joins back together.

The entire north and south section of these roads will be repaved and marked to define the one-way operation.

By pairing the South Lake and Church Street corridors, the capacity of this direction is doubled. The additional capacity allows significant increase in the amount of green signal time that is allotted to the Main Street direction.

And we know what you’re thinking: “Will there still be left turn prohibitions?”

No. This improvement project will eliminate those prohibitions and the possibility of you getting a ticket again!

The project will also see improvements to existing sidewalk and drainage systems.

More details of the downtown improvement project can be found at www.lexsc.com/highlights_htax2015_DI.htm.